The structure of a vibrant, healthy community is a SPHERE! This is the structure of our future. Not flat, not a hierarchical/triangle, not a circle, but a three-dimensional ball.The sphere pictured here really is the perfect representation of an organizational structure that will move us into a new and vibrant way of living and creating together.
Why is a vibrant community a sphere?
Communication is our primary tool to create vibrant communities that will survive and thrive in the world we exist in today. It is the answer to our questions about how to organize. We cannot achieve the coordination we need with either top-down or bottom-up communication; instead it needs to go round and round. To be adaptive and agile we need short and direct ‘feedback loops’. Each of us needs as much of the same information as possible so that we can engage as leaders. As we operate this way we are energized and instead of using all of our energy to push against each other or pull information back and forth, our energy and passion is allowed to flow together in a way that gives us the ability to co-create more than was possible before. We can take on bigger challenges because we are supported by this solid framework of connection and information.
Notice how this ball is a network of connections? One spot is not connected to only one other but to many; there are exponentially more connections. Conversation and connection goes round and round and engages each person ‘at the same level’. This symbolizes authentic community; each person is in relationship with others. A vibrant community is one that recognizes their inter-dependence.
If we are committed to social justice then this sphere structure is the most just. Each of us is at the same level on the ball; connected with equal voice, accountability and contribution. We are standing side by side. We look to those standing on each side of us and we invite them to fully participate. A community utilizing a spherical Living Communication System recognizes that all people have wisdom to contribute. Each has equal access to information and is engaged in the conversation to be co-creative. Communities have regular conversations where ideas are generated and dialogue takes place. Using well designed communication models we invite others into the room, include them in the conversation and prevent marginalization.
The space in the middle holds the purpose and possibility for the whole community. The center is our belief that something greater than ourselves is of primary importance. What can we do together as a community of people that we cannot do alone? Can we make choices and take actions not based on our individual needs but what is best for the whole? The magic is that when we do this, we don’t lose our individuality, but we find it and can express it.
A sphere community does look different from one we are used to. It requires more time and energy to participate in multiple modes of conversation and communication. But the tools and training are there for us. The knowledge and skills can be learned. Can you hear the call that something different is needed? That our current structures and ways of being are not working? Are you willing to see how far we can get when we work together in new ways? It’s easy, the hard part is that we will have to do things differently; by socially construction this sphere organizational structure.